Friday, December 31, 2010

Holiday Summary

Just to sum up the holidays for the Heberts.

We were home for Thanksgiving this year. Aunt Jenny came and spent several days with us, which the kids loved! I cooked, and everything came out very tasty if I do say so myself. I also fought the Black Friday crowds for the first time. It was fun, and I got everything I set out to get, but I did not go to multiple sales. I woke up shortly before 3 AM, did some quick online shopping, and then headed to Target. I waited in line in the cold( it was literally around 30 degrees) for about an hour. The earliest people were there at 10 PM (that is crazy!) I got the very last TV, which is what Ladd wanted for Christmas to use as a computer monitor, and a few other great deals, which made it worthwhile. I was home, with everything put away by about 5AM, and then I slept until about 9:oo. I couldn't do the all night and all day thing...I must be getting old.

Christmas came with great anticipation of course. Uncle Matthew came and spent Christmas Eve and Christmas day with us. The kids of course loved that as well. Christmas Eve was largely uneventful. We just kind of hung out, getting ready for the next day. That evening we went to our neighbor's home for dinner. Her family and some of our other neighbor's were there. The kids all played together and we had a nice time visiting before we headed home to get ready for Santa. The kids actually went to bed without to much trouble because they really wanted Santa to come! The kids must have been pretty good this year because Santa was good to them. Evan got a new bike (he had been riding the one he got for Christmas when he was 2.5) and a Josh Hamilton Texas Rangers Jersey. He has worn the Jersey as much as he possibly can since then. Claire got collection of Disney Princess dolls, and a jeep (which she calls her Monster truck). She has already spent a lot of time playing with those dolls. We had a small dinner hear at home, and a nice video chat with all of the Aunts and Uncles, Grandma, and Grandpa in New Jersey.

The day after Christmas, we headed down to Houston to visit with family there. We went over to Tim's house (Ladd's brother). All of the family met there. We had a delicious Turkey that Tim prepared, and a nice visit. The kids enjoyed playing with their cousins as well. Later, we headed over to Amie and Jimmy's house to spend the night. Claire had so much fun playing with her cousin Alex, and Ladd had fun playing Call of Duty with Jimmy. Amie and I hung out while she made a cute hair bow for Claire. The next day we just kind of relaxed in the morning. Then we had lunch at Lupe Tortillas (which is something we really liked when we lived in Houston). Then we headed over to visit with some old friends. We spent several ours hanging out while our kids had a blast together. We were sad when the evening came to an end. We headed out and drove home after that. The kids made good use of their new DVD player from Santa and the movies that Claire got for Christmas.

For most of the week we have just hung out. However, on Thursday, Ladd and I celebrated our 10th Wedding Anniversary. For our Anniversary, I thought it would be nice to have our family pictures done. Kind of to document where we were 10 years later. We liked the photos that my friend Angela did of the kids in the Spring, so we had her do these as well. I was very nervous. Planning the attire and getting everybody ready might have been almost as crazy as getting ready for the wedding. :-P However, other than a last minute change of venue due to mud, it went really well.

After the pictures, we headed to Maggianos with the kids. We had a great meal. Evan really loved it, especially the bread, giant meatball, and the cheesecake. Ladd and I thoroughly enjoyed ourselves as well. We headed home and kind of vegetated in a carbohydrate induced glaze for a while. We relaxed for the evening and found ourselves to be quite content.

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