Friday, December 31, 2010

Catching Up!

I can't believe I haven't posted since school started. I have thought so many times that I should make a new post to keep up with events, but somehow it never happened. Since I writing this blog partly to keep a record of events for my own sake, the first order of business is to catch up on things.

September was pretty uneventful, and October we got to do some fun things like the State Fair. The kids and I spent the day there, and had a fun time. It was pretty crowded though. We got to enjoy our Corney Dogs among other fun events like the pig races, and dog show. Also in October was Halloween. This year Evan was a jester (sometimes an Evil Jester) and Claire was a princess (which kind of seemed to be her theme for the year).

Claire has pretty much been doing the same old same old. She has been going to day care, and seems pretty happy. She has been taking gymnastics with a lady that comes to the daycare once a week. She enjoys it, but still tells me should would like to be a ballerina. We will probably try some lessons at the rec center this summer. She is growing up so quickly, and she really cracks us up with her since of humor and her attempts to imitate her brother. She is so proud of her knowledge, and she really wants to learn more. She will be moving up to Pre-K 2 after the New Year, and looks forward to learning her letters there.

Ladd has been working hard on the house. He has redone the floors in the living/dining room, and the media room upstairs. He has put a lot of work in, and they look great! As for me, I have pretty much been the same. Work, after school activities, etc. The one thing that has been a good change for me was the "Biggest Loser" competition at school. I actually worked really hard with the South Beach diet, and my workout minutes. I won both the weight loss and workout minute categories, which was a really good feeling for me. I hope that I can keep it up. That about sums up the majority of the fall for up, a holiday summary.

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