Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 Already!

I can't believe I let so much time go by since my last post.  I keep telling myself I am not going to let this happen--and then it does.  Let me see if I can recap everything that has happened since then.

June and July--swimming lessons, summer camp, the end of baseball, and a couple visits to Matthew pretty much sum these months up.  We spent a lot of time at the water park, and this summer had record high temperatures.  The water wasn't even cool any more.  It was 109 on the day pictured.

August--We continued to suffer through the heat and prepared to return to school.  Ladd and I were also pleased to learn that we were expecting baby number 3 in April of 2012.  Evan started 3rd grade (he is getting SO big, and Claire started her last year of preschool.  I tried to take a picture of them, but Claire didn't want to pose with her brother. 

September consisted mostly of getting back in the swing of things.  Evan played flag football and baseball this fall. Claire started a ballet and tap class.  This month continued to be incredibly hot.  The Dallas area suffered from a record number of days over 100 and a record drought.    My brother Matthew also had surgery to remove a liver tumor along with 75% of his liver.  This was not an easy surgery or recovery, but did yield good results.

October brought the Texas State Fair, and of course Halloween (Claire is pictured with friends).  We also were able to announce our pregnancy.
November was a busy month We were able to find out that our sweet baby was healthy and another girl.  Football and Baseball came to an end.  We got a short visit from Jeffrey and Stephen.  Ladd's brother, Tim, got married, and we gained a wonderful sister-in-law. Jennifer spent Thanksgiving with us, which the kids loved.  We also had to say goodbye to my Grandmother Grace. 

December went by in a whirlwind.  Claire had her first recital.  She loved it, but wants to try soccer in the spring.  I have gotten good reports from the doctor, so the the pregnancy is going well.  Evan entered a math contest--all those with the correct answers went into a drawing--and he won!  He also started basketball.  Ladd was very busy at work, and didn't have much spare time.  Christmas came quickly.  All of the Haluskas came to our house for Christmas.  For a couple of days we had 12 people here.  It was crazy, but wonderful!  We took family pictures the day after Christmas.  The kids had a blast with so many people here, and were very sorry to see them go! We spent the next week just catching up on things: cleaning, laundry, and other errands.  On the 30th, Ladd and I celebrated our 11th anniversary with a wonderful steak dinner on the patio (cooked by Ladd).  The four of us had an exclusive "party" to usher in the New Year.  I enjoyed taking it easy for a couple of days (after making stuffed cabbage and black-eyed peas.)

Now, it is 2012, and time for work again.  One of my resolutions is to make my blog posts more frequent so they won't be so long!  Also, I am sure that I missed some stuff that I would want to remember.  Happy New Year to all!  I hope that 2012 is wonderful for you!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Another School Year Ends

Well another school year has come to an end!  The last couple of months have been crazy.

In January Basketball season came to an end.    This season wasn't fantastic, but the kids all learned a lot and had a lot of fun.   Claire continued to take gymnastics and do really well in school.  January/February had record cold.  We had a record 5 ice/snow days.  We went sledding on the golf course, and our neighbor was ice skating on the street. 

In March, during Spring Break, we took a family vacation to Colorado.  We went to Salida, Colorado, and it was absolutely fantastic.  Evan and Ladd went snowboarding, while I went skiing.  Claire went to the childcare facility and got ski lessons as well.  We all had an awesome time, and can't wait to go back.

 In April, baseball season started.  Baseball season continues through June, but Evan has been playing really well. In school, Evan continued to do well.  Unfortunately, my grandfather passed away rather suddenly at the beginning of the month, but I have confidence that he is watching over us now.

 At the beginning of May, Evan made his First Communion.  My parents and my brother Matthew all were able to come.  It was a pretty happy and emotional day.  Ladd even said it got a bit "dusty" in the church.  It was so special that my parents and Matthew all took the time to make the trip here for the occasion.  Just 10 days later, Evan turned 8.  I can't believe how fast the last 8 years have gone.  The kids had a combined birthday party here at the house, and everybody had a great time.  On May 17th, Claire turned 4.  She is getting so big, so fast.  She takes every opportunity to tell us how big she is.  At church she tries to copy Evan, and gets really upset when they won't give her communion as well.  She has even learned the Our Father, and is working on the Hail Mary because she thinks it will help.  She has had a great last couple of weeks in daycare/preschool.  They have been doing Fairytale units, and she loved every minute of it.

Which brings us to June, and the end of school.  Evan has finished 2nd grade, and is moving on to 3rd.  Claire is home with me for the summer, although her  daycare teachers were really sad to see her go.  Both Evan and Claire are about to start swim lessons.  Evan will be doing a baseball camp, and Claire will be taking ballet and tap lessons at the city rec center this summer.

We also hope to be able to spend some time with Matthew this summer.  I hope that his treatment will not prevent him from having visitors.  Follow Matthew's story at

As I say each time I post, I hope to post more frequently.
Love to all!

Friday, December 31, 2010

Ending 2010

2010 was an Ok year. I can say it was fairly uneventful, which is good.

So, what's to come for 2011. Of course we have New Year's resolutions...

For me,
1) To continue to workout on a regular basis
2) To try to just slow down and enjoy things
3) To pay off some bills

For Ladd,
1) Spend more time with kids and family
2) Start running again
3) Take a family vacation

For Evan
1) To ride my bike a lot
2) Think more before I act

For Claire
1) Start learning her letters
2) to Dance

With only a few hours left in 2010, I am wondering how another year has already gone by. I hope that the new year brings lots of wonderful memories and blessings to my family and friends. Even though there are only a few hours left, we should make the most of them because....Every Moment Counts.

Happy New Year to All!
