Monday, April 26, 2010


We have just returned from a family weekend at Camp Grady Spruce on Possum Kingdom Lake. We left Friday and returned home Sunday. We shared the trip with our neighbors, The Thompsons, who have 2 children close to Evan and Claire's ages-they also have a boat for fishing. Evan and Claire had a blast. Evan is a budding fisherman. He spent the majority of time fishing off the boat dock, checking his line off the shore, or out on the boat fishing. Unfortunately, he didn't catch anything. He also got to shoot some targets with "rifles" and bow and arrows. He was very excited that he hit the target. Both Evan and Claire got to go horseback riding. Evan rode a horse named Cinnamon and Claire rode Candy Paint. Claire spent a lot of time wading in the water at the edge of the lake..even though it was pretty cold, she kept going back. She left in the very last clean and dry thing she had. She also had a pink fishing pole that she kept "fishing" with (its hard to catch anything without a hook or bait). In reality, we spent most of the time untangling the line. Of course we finished off the evening with some cooking out and Smores! What more could a kid want?

We got home, and Ladd and I both needed a nap. Evan was ready to do more though. Although, I do have to say that he slept well that night.

Baseball season is gearing up and there are lots of happenings during the last week of school. More to come soon.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

April Happenings

Well, the school year is moving right along...the end is in sight. We are starting to make plans for the summer. Evan is starting to think about 2nd grade. Claire talks about how she will be in PK1 next year at preschool. For now though, we are enjoying the beautiful weather. We have been grilling, working in the yard, and trying to do lots of things outdoors.

Evan recently finished his first season of Destination Imagination. This is a group problem solving activity. I was the team coach for 6 first grade boys. They are given a scenario and must create a solution. The solution must be created entirely by the coach. Man, it was hard. However, after their showcase, they all came out thrilled. They got great feedback, and are ready to do it again. I am still up in the air about that :-) Evan has started baseball. This year is coach pitch and I think it will be very exciting. In practice he has gotten some great hits. He is also doing pretty well in school. We had a rough patch, but now he seems to have it figured out and is ON FIRE! His reading is coming along so well. He has lots of interests, but right now he is very interested in marine biology. We went to the aquarium over spring break, and he really enjoyed it (after he got to eat that is).

Claire is fully potty trained. We are so happy and proud! She is such a little girly-girl...I am not sure where that comes from. Not that I don't like it, but just not like me. She wants everything to be "Beautiful and Pink." She also loves hearts and flowers. She loves her books too, and I have no doubt that I will find her reading with a flashlight under her covers when she gets older.

More spring time fun updates to come soon.
