Monday, March 8, 2010

Better Late Than Never

Ok, so I said I would do better with the blog posts....I guess I lied. I am keeping up with twitter and Facebook, but not so good about this. Hmmm the latest.

Well back in December, the snowstorm of the century canceled our plans to visit Grandma and Grandpa in New Jersey. That was a real bummer since the whole family was there, but us. We had a good Christmas at home. Winter is quickly turning into spring, and events keep time passing by before we know it.

Evan played basketball this winter, which he really enjoyed. I think it was a good sport for him since it kept him engaged and moving the whole time. He was really serious about it too! He is more than half-way done with first grade now. I can't believe some of the stuff they are learning. He had a great science fair project, which sparked an interest in doing "science experiments" in our kitchen. His most recent interest is in marine life. He has decided that he would like to be a scientist that studies ocean animals (aka marine biologist). He makes me laugh when he sleeps with the things that really interest him at the time. He recently participated in Destination Imagination, for which I was the coach. Destination Imagination is a student-centered team-problem-solving activity. The students are given a challenge. They must devise an answer to this challenge all on their own. This year, they had to build a structure made out of newspaper and tape, and then create a newscast about this structure, complete with a commercial break. The kids had a lot of fun with it, though it was often quite frustrating for me.
Evan will start baseball soon, and can't wait for practices to start.

Claire is getting so big. At some point, over the last couple months, she has become completely conversational, and has gotten really tall. She is in a pink princess phase. She wants to dress like a princess, wear princess shoes, have everything in pink. Her latest request is for a pink bed. She has repeatedly asked for this item....recently saying that Santa should bring it to her. She also is already very interested in make-up and nail polish. I have to watch it because she will go find stuff and try to put it on herself. She loves school. She counts, knows her colors and shapes, and sings songs all the time. That little girl loves to sing. I say she is my little Miss America because she is constantly waving and making friends with strangers, but only if Mommy is close by. We are going to do a potty training boot camp during Spring Break, so wish us luck.

All is well....with Ladd and I. I have been very busy at work, and will be glad for Spring Break. Ladd is pretty much the same as always...except for a broken toe from Super Bowl Sunday. Well, hopefully, I really will do better at keeping up with the blog. More to come soon!
