Sunday, October 4, 2009

October is here!

I can't believe October is here already. Time is just flying by.

The last couple of weeks were a bit of a mess.
Evan, Claire, and I were all brought down by the flu. After that, I managed to pick up a case of bronchitis as well. Claire and Ladd now seem to have a cold.

Not all has been bad though.

Evan is just moving along in Kindergarten. He actually told me that he LOVES school the other day. I think some of that may have to do with his cute young teacher. He is growing like a weed, and is playing flag football right now. He loves football, and he gets as excited about it as if he were playing Friday nights. He is also very excited about planning for Halloween.

Claire is growing fast. She loves her preschool. She is singing a lot. Her favorite song involves singing someone's name and then "Jump up and down." She also loves the ABCs, Twinkle Twinkle, and Where is Thumbkin. She is very excited about anything related to Halloween as well.

This month will also bring a visit to the fair, more football, fall festivals, and Halloween. Hopefully I will be better about updating in the weeks to come.
