Friday, August 28, 2009

Its Been a While

I didn't do a very good job of keeping up with this blog over the summer. I am hoping to return to posting.

We had a good summer. Evan, Claire, and I spent a lot of time doing things like Hawaiian Falls Water Park, the Library, the park, and naps. We also went to visit Great Grandma and Grandpa Seymour in Louisiana, and spent a few days in a beach house in Galveston. Overall it was a good summer--lots of fun lazy days, but no major events.

We are now back in school. Evan is completing his first week of 1st grade. He seems so big now. He seems happy with his teacher so far this year, and he seems committed to having a good year. He has a good time teasing me by telling me he has gotten in trouble when he hasn't.

Claire is also getting so big. She is back and daycare and very happy in the tots room. I am very glad that she is very happy to be there in the morning, but she is also happy to be picked up in the afternoon. She is very attached when we get home, so we end up spending a lot of time watching Spongebob and reading once we get home. Sometimes she lets me escape for a few minutes when Daddy gets home. I love that she loves me and needs me, but do find it stressful that I cannot just hold her all the time.

All in all live is just moving along. Hope to post more soon.
